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2010年12月 6日

What kind of dentures do people in their 40s usually use?

Q. What kind of dentures do people in their 40s usually use?

I am still in my 40s and I am missing all of my upper and lower inner molars. I have always been resistant to the ideas of getting dentures. So far I have been able to get by without these molars. I recently heard at my dental clinic that the condition of my jaw will get worse and worse if I do not do something about them. My jaw is already in bad enough condition so I am thinking about getting dentures, but I would like to get the most natural ones available.

40s usually useA. As far as age goes, you are still very young in your 40s.
This means that you are going to have to consider 10, 20, and even 30 years in the future. You have a choice as to whether you want to use a treatment method that would make your condition worse, or one that would support your remaining teeth as long as possible. And it goes without saying that it is also important for someone as young as yourself to choose dentures that will not be easily noticeable to people around you.
This is probably the reason why most young people choose implants.

Did you know that there are actually dentures that are practically unnoticeable?
Moreover, they provide a natural bite that is as strong as the bite of your real teeth. These are dentures made with the telescope system developed in Germany.

Our clinic provides consultation to many young patients. Most of them choose the telescope system treatment method. They are always very pleased with their restored functionality and the fact that their dentures go unnoticed.

Among people who begin using dentures in their 30s and 40s, many of them have shared with the same worries as you have. That is, they also have lost their inner molars.
I know it can be stressful for someone when they get their first pair of dentures.

Some of the things I hear when talking to people going in for dentures for the first time are, "I am embarrassed that people will see the wire clasps on my teeth when I laugh" or, "I don't want my family or my significant other to know that I have dentures so I don't want to take them out often".

So what is the telescope system that can solve these problems?
"I am embarrassed that people will see the wire clasps on my teeth when I laugh."
Your apprehension is quite understandable. Even if the wire clasps are thin, they are still visible. So people are going to catch wind of your dentures sooner or later. There are many types of dentures. I often hear people who decide to go with implants because of their anxiety towards metal clasps. But if there were only more natural dentures with completely invisible clasps, then we could consider them an alternative to implants.

Our clinic recommends the telescope system, a technology developed in Germany. Not only can no one tell that you are wearing dentures due to the fact that there are no metal clasps, but these dentures provide a strong bite that will make you feel like they are a part of you. In recent years the number of people resistant to implants has been increasing. At our clinic, we offer implants and telescope system dentures among our treatment options. Most patients choose the telescope system. These dentures have more than 100 years of history in Germany, but they are not yet widely known in Japan.

"I don't want my family or my significant other to know that I have dentures so I don't want to have to take them out often."

This is entirely understandable. You really should only have to take out your dentures to brush your teeth and that is it. If you are out of our house and the timing is not right to take out your dentures, a simple rinse should do. There is no need to take out telescope system dentures while you sleep. No one wants to wake up at night and be seen walking around with no teeth! It may seem necessary to rest the membrane of your mouth during the night time, but since telescope system dentures do not exert pressure on the membrane, there really is no need for this. There is nothing fun about constantly worrying about your dentures while talking with friends or that special someone. With telescope system dentures, there is no awkward feeling in your mouth and you can enjoy every day as your dentures become a part of you.

40s usually useIt seems that you are used to living life without inner molars. But it is true that leaving this condition as it is poses a significant risk to the joints of the jaw. It is the job of the smaller molars to grind food so they are being exposed to a much heavier burden and this may cause them to fall out.

Now is the chance to make a positive choice for you future by choosing a reliable treatment method.

We conduct free consultation so please feel free to contact us.

What is the Telescopic System?
Contact us


I have gingivitis. What denture methods are available to me?

Q. I have had gingivitis for the last 5 or 6 years. I was told by my dentist that I may have aggressive periodontitis so I underwent treatment. However, since then I have already lost a few teeth and a few others are loose. It looks like my bone tissue is too thin for implants. I have gingivitis so what denture methods are available to me? (woman in her 40s)

A. You have already lost a few teeth and your remaining teeth are weak. It is typical that people with gingivitis who get partial dentures covered by health insurance tend to lose more teeth in the immediate future.
It is very important to keep the inside of your mouth clean and to administer daily care. And it is also very important to choose your dentures wisely. That is, some dentures may accelerate tooth loss.
This is because teeth affected by gingivitis are extremely weak against the metal clasps of partial dentures. The clasps focus stress on your remaining teeth and can eventually cause them to fall out.

Our telescope system dentures can fix your teeth in place and prevent wiggling making them ideal for patients who suffer from gingivitis.
The telescope system is a denture system developed in Germany. When in most cases dentures can lead to tooth loss, our dentures actually prevent the loss of remaining teeth. This is the concept behind the telescope system. Using this system we can make dentures that prevent tooth loss and extend the lifespan of remaining teeth.

However, teeth cannot be protected perfectly in all instances. Sometimes tooth loss is simply unavoidable. Usually when this happens it is necessary to have dentures remade from scratch. But with the telescope system, we can predict which teeth are in danger of falling out and design dentures in a way that makes adjustment easy. This special characteristic of our dentures makes it unnecessary to remake dentures from scratch every time the shape of the mouth changes so that you can use your dentures for a very long time.

There are a few different types of telescope systems. The type best suited for you is determined by the condition of your remaining teeth. The telescope system should put our younger patients at ease due to the fact that there are no metal clasps or springs and they are esthetically superior.


My teeth are loose due to gingivitis. What treatment options are there?

Q. I was diagnosed with gingivitis. It looks like I am loosing bone throughout my jaw. I was told that I should have my loose teeth removed soon, but I want to know what treatment options are available after that. (woman in her 40s)

A. In cases in which gingivitis has spread throughout the mouth, removing even just one tooth will cause extra stress on all of the remaining teeth. You must be careful as this can lead to rapid tooth loss.

A new concept called 'Minimum Intervention' was recommended in an academic journal at the World Dental Federation (FDI) in 2000.
Minimum Intervention (MI) is the idea that treatment should aim to reduce the filing down of natural teeth as much as possible.

Of course everyone aims to live their entire life with their own teeth intact. That is the greatest joy. And in recent years, preventative medicine has become widely practiced at dental clinics with amazing results. But on the other hand, it is still true that many middle-aged and elderly people suffer from tooth decay and gum disease. If dentists get too caught up in the idea of limiting the amount of tooth filing, they may leave patients suffering in silence without doing anything. In these cases, the patients' conditions will only get worse.

When middle-aged or elderly patients suffer from gingivitis or cavities and it can be assumed that their bite alignment will break down, it is up to dentists to optimistically provide effective treatment and secure the remaining teeth.
Dentists who offer pessimistic treatment intervention run the risk of exposing their patients to concentrated stress on their few remaining teeth which will ultimately lead to further tooth loss and a worsening situation.
In order to avoid such consequences, I believe that along with providing secure fixation throughout the jaw, we must provide functioning long-term oral treatment aimed at stabilizing bite alignment.

In your case, it is necessary to first seek treatment for the gingivitis, decide which teeth can be preserved, and then have your remaining teeth secured in place. (Teeth are very weak against lateral wiggling and loose teeth are bound to get worse.)

Our clinic's treatment options for securing teeth firmly in place include bridges and the telescope system. Please consult with us to learn which method is best for you before you make any decisions.

Juvenile periodontitis and dentures

Q. I am still in my 30s and I have been diagnosed with juvenile periodontitis. I have had symptoms of periodontitis since I was in my teens. At the time, I visited the dental clinic and received instructions on how to use a toothbrush. I can wiggle my teeth by simply pressing my tongue against them. Recently I have been experiencing inflammation and pain, and a few of my teeth already seem as though they are about to fall out. I have a bridge on my molars but the whole thing is loose. If I lose my bridge will I have to get dentures?

A. Juvenile periodontitis (aggressive periodontitis) is a form of periodontitis that occurs in young people in their teens and 20s. It is said that the early appearance of this disease may be genetic or may be due to an abnormality in the immune system. One characteristic of this disease is that a bacteria called Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomiotans is usually present in large numbers.

In your case, it will be necessary to deal with your loose bridge and receive treatment for gingivitis at the same time. It is necessary to consider how you will handle the situation when your loose teeth with deep pockets surrounding them fall out. Frankly speaking, you will need to get false teeth or have dentures made. After that you should receive treatment for your gingivitis. Gingivitis is a disease in which the bone around a tooth becomes loose and eventually the tooth falls out. It is said to usually start when people are in their 20s. By having a dentist examine the inside of your mouth for the existence of bacteria that causes gingivitis, you will be able to get a better diagnosis and receive treatment.

There are 6 types of bacteria that cause gingivitis.

1. Porphylomonas gingivalis
2. Tannerella forsythensis
3. Treponemadenticola
4. Prevotera intermedia
5. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomiotans
6. Fusobacterium nucleatum

[3DS, a new technique to get rid of gingivitis-causing bacteria in the mouth]
After removing plaque using PMTC (professional mechanical tooth cleansing), a procedure performed by a dental hygienist using specialized technology and equipment, a mouthpiece tray fitted to the patient's tooth alignment is placed in the mouth and medicine is applied to the surface of the teeth and left to sit for a certain period of time. This process is not negatively affected by saliva and antibacterial and fluoride medicine can be safely administered to the teeth.

3DS Method
1. Examine the saliva to determine whether or not bacteria elimination is necessary.
2. Provide ample explanation of the bacteria elimination process to the patient.
3. Take a mold of the patient's teeth for the construction of a mouthpiece tray.
4. Carry out PMTC to remove plaque from the surface of the patient's teeth.
5. Add medicine to the mouthpiece tray and let it sit for 5 minutes to eliminate bacteria.
6. Repeat the bacteria elimination process one week later.
7. Add fluoride gel to the mouthpiece tray at home and hold it in your mouth for 5 minutes twice a day at home (once in the morning and once after brushing your teeth at night before going to bed) in order to strengthen the teeth.

At our clinic we provide an examination report to the patient upon conducting a BML (Inc.) saliva test. The 3DS effect only lasts 4 - 6 weeks so we recommend that you have bacteria eliminated periodically.
When your gingivitis symptoms stabilize you must then secure your teeth to prevent them from wiggling. There is a simple procedures in which you attach loose teeth to the surrounding teeth with a dental adhesive, but if you have already lost many teeth, we recommend the telescope system as a treatment method (dentures developed in Germany).


What is the lifespan of implants and the telescope system?

Q. What is the lifespan of implants and the telescope system?

A. When I graduated college 12 years ago, there were very few dentists who were treating with implants.There were also very few students studying in the implants department and you can say that it wasn't very popular. In recent years, however, nearly all clinics offer implants. In the last year alone, the research association with the most astounding growth in number of members has been the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology. They gained 1,345 members just last year. It is even said among dentistry circles that we are experiencing and 'implant bubble'.
It is written that implants have a lifespan of 40 years. However, does this estimate reflect the case scenarios from each clinic? 12 years ago no dentists were even offering implants so this information is hard to believe.
Of course this can be possible if the patient has never suffered from gingivitis, has never had a systemic illness, and has perfect bite alignment. But I think that we need to be careful about making overestimations.

Implants are not natural teeth so they will not develop cavities. However, gums are not artificial. Without proper care it is easy to develop gingivitis. The circumstances change even more if you are a smoker. It is important to seek correct information and counseling from a dentist before getting implants.
Generally implants last at a rate of 90% over a 10 year period. This means if you choose to go with implants then you should see a dentist with a 90% success rate in implant patients from 10 years ago.

So what about the telescope system? At our clinic you can see results from 30 years ago. That is to say, Shigeru Inaba, our clinic's advisor, was the first person to import the telescope system to Japan from Germany 32 years ago. There are patients who received treatment at that time and are still using their dentures today. Unfortunately there are a few exceptions, but in those cases they have had dentures remade with other telescope methods. At the very least, these dentures can be used for more than 10 years.
All my patients whom I have treated with the telescope system when I first became a dentist almost 10 years ago are still using their dentures as if they were their own natural teeth. Among these patients, some have lost more teeth due to cracked roots and advancing gingivitis. However, one special feature of dentures made using the telescope system is that they can be removed and adjusted to fit the changing form of the mouth.
We are prepared to treat many different situations. This is a superior system that uses designs that take into consideration changes that may occur 10, 20 and even 30 years into the future.


What choices are there other than implants? (woman in her 40s)

Q. When I was a high school student 25 years ago I lost my lower number 6 molar on the left side of my mouth and had to get a bridge in my 20s. 5 years ago, the lower number 7 molar that was supporting my bridge went bad and fell out. I have gingivitis and was told that I didn't have enough bone for implants so I went with dentures. My partial dentures were covered by insurance but they are just so uncomfortable.
It was recommended to me that I get implants before, but I have always been resistant to the idea. Please let me know if there are any treatment methods other than implants.

In recent years I have seen many patients who are resistant to implants and would prefer another method if possible. Implants are a wonderful technology under the right conditions. However, they are not the best choice in every situation. In actuality, implants may not be appropriate for patients depending on factors such as bone mass, smoker status, systemic illnesses, or gingivitis.

What choices are there other than implants
People in their 40s who get implants must also consider 10, 20 and even 30 years in the future.So you say that you are missing 2 molars.

I will tell you about partial dentures for 2 teeth made through our most requested process, Riegel telescope. Normally, dentures covered by insurance are supported by metal springs. They are esthetically inferior and tend to move around a lot. Our dentures made using Riegel telescope feature locking equipment that makes putting in and taking out dentures simple by using an opening and closing mechanism. This means that our dentures do not have metal springs.

Riegel telescopeSince dentures covered by health insurance grip the teeth with metal springs, the subduction sensation (movement) that accompanies biting can be quite noticeable. Since this pressure is transferred directly to the teeth, they are wiggled and may come loose. Compare this to a 2-tooth linking and fixing dentures that uses Riegel telescope as a foundation layered doubly over the teeth. By locking the mechanism your partial dentures will stay firmly in place. Dentures made using the Riegel telescope method only move about 300 microns when biting. And since the teeth supporting the dentures only absorb 120 microns of that movement, there is virtually no burden on the teeth. A firm bite and pleasing esthetics are special characteristics of these dentures.

In recent years dentures have been developed in which the metal clasps (springs) have been replaced with invisible silicon-type parts. But it is hard to say much about their history and cases treated with them. Even if dentures look nice, they are meaningless if you cannot secure a firm and comfortable bite.

Some sites advertise 'If they don't fit right then you can return them'. But I have reservations recommending a product that can be so easily made and returned.
Since the technology used to create dentures using the Riegel telescope method is so precise, in some cases the manufacturing process can take as long as 2 or 3 months. These are implements order-made to the exact contours of our patients' mouths so it can take some time. But I can confidently say that you will be able to use Riegel telescope dentures firmly as if they were your own teeth.

Riegel telescope


The alignment of my false teeth is off. What negative consequences can I expect? (man in his 40s)

Q. I am in my mid 40s and almost all of my teeth are false teeth. If the alignment of my false teeth is off, what kinds of negative consequences can I expect? I get stiff shoulders and headaches and I am wondering if this is the reason.

A. By false teeth, I am assuming that you mean that most of your teeth are crowned? If you treat each tooth individually, there is a good chance that the balance of your mouth is off.
Your upper and lower teeth work together in balance and harmony. If you continuously require crowns to be put in one by one because of cavity or nerve treatment, eventually, your original tooth configuration is going change drastically. For example, the height of your left and right bite alignment could differ, and the size of your teeth can differ as well. So it is important to avoid treating your teeth one by one. Rather, you should seek treatment for all of them as a unit keeping balance in mind.

So you have asked, "If the alignment of my false teeth is off, what kinds of negative consequences can I expect?"

There are many people with this condition who complain of the following symptoms: "I cannot open my jaw widely", "The joints in my jaw hurt", and also, "My neck hurts", "I have stiff shoulders", "My back hurts", "My hands and legs go numb", "My ears are ringing", "I get bad migraines". These are the most common symptoms I hear. Most of them are similar to symptoms of TMJ arthrosis.
TMJ arthrosis is a condition in which the area around the jaw hurts, opening the mouth becomes difficult, and a clicking, scraping, or popping noise can be heard coming from the jawline area. There are many causes of TMJ arthrosis such as having poor tooth alignment, or poor bite alignment balance due to wisdom teeth. It is especially common to see this ailment caused by silver crowns, fillings, or dentures that throw off the balance of one's bite alignment. First, it is necessary to have your bite alignment examined to make sure that it is correct (this is called occlusion diagnosis). Through occlusion diagnosis you can learn about your bilateral balance, and whether or not there is shifting about your body's central axis. It is very important to accurately adjust your bite alignment plane.

2010年6月 9日

I want to get invisible clasp dentures not through insurance. (woman in her 30s)

若い方の入れ歯についてQ. I had to get teeth numbers 6 and 7 in my upper right jaw, and teeth numbers 5, 6, and 7 in my lower left jaw removed due to cavities, so now I have dentures. I hate that people can see the metal clasps on my dentures. I want to get invisible clasp dentures not through insurance. (woman in her 30s)

1. What are those silicon false teeth that don't require metallic clasps?
2. Do dentures with metal clasps last longer than those without?
3. I read somewhere that when it comes to biting, smile dentures are less effective than dentures covered by insurance and that using them causes your jaw to look emaciated. Do you know anything about this?

Thank you for your answers.

A. Partial dentures covered by health insurance have metal clasps that hook onto your remaining teeth. Also, everyone can tell that you are wearing them. In recent years many people are choosing to pay for dentures themselves for these reasons.

1. What are those silicon false teeth that don't require metallic clasps?

These dentures use silicon springs that grip to the base of your tooth around the gum line instead of the conventional metal springs. It is true that they are esthetically pleasing, but biting strength is sacrificed. This is because retention force is weak, which causes the dentures to move around a lot. Not to mention, it is rather easy for food particles to be caught between the springs and the gum line.
Also, these dentures put a lot of stress on remaining teeth due to membrane subduction of the dentures when biting (compared to the part of your mouth with teeth, the gums experience 1 - 2 millimeters of subduction like a cushion). The teeth take on a lot of the burden and it is possible that in the future one may lose more teeth because of this. Also, these types of dentures are relatively new and there is no evidence as to how long they last.

2. Do dentures with metal clasps last longer than those without?

Dentures with metal clasps last up to 7 years. Actually, this is the normal case for teeth that still have nerves. If your teeth are missing nerves then they may become lose after only a few months.

3. I read somewhere that when it comes to biting, smile dentures are less effective than dentures covered by insurance and that using them causes your jaw to look emaciated. Do you know anything about this?

When your dentures move, your jaw bone absorbs the shock. Therefore, this is definitely possible. In recent years, it has become easy to produce non-clasp type silicon dentures and smile dentures, and these kinds of cheap dentures are increasing. However, they have little history and there are no reports concerning long-term case studies. These types of dentures almost all lack a rest. A rest is a piece that transmits force. It transfers force to the tips of the teeth roots. Clasps are necessary to keep the false teeth in place, but you should really prioritize the rest piece. It is important to have your teeth examined using a 3-D method.

So what happens if your dentures do not have a rest? Not only will your jaw lose muscle, but your teeth will wiggle and you may end up losing more within a few years. At first look, these new, cheap dentures are quite beautiful, but in the long term, I think that people who use them may regret it.

At our clinic we recommend the telescope system, which are dentures that have more than 120 years of history in Germany. And since metal parts are invisible do to our superior technology and materials, these dentures are quite popular with younger people.

invisible clasp dentures not through insuranceSince the retentive mechanism of these dentures does not rely on metal springs, it takes about 3 months after treatment before you can actually put them on (Of course we can provide false teeth in the meantime so that you can pass the time without worrying). This is because the manufacturing process and the technology is extremely precise (There are very few dentists and dental technicians in Japan who can use this incredibly precise technology).
Since the dentures do not move around in your mouth, there is very little force being absorbed into your jaw and your remaining teeth are protected further by being held firmly in place. Once you put these dentures on, you can enjoy them as a part of your own body for at least 10 years.
Since the telescope system allows for adjustments, some of our clinic's patients have had the same pair of dentures for over 30 years!

Whether you end up losing your teeth or protecting them over the next 10, 20, or 30 years is a matter of what kind of dentures you choose. We urge you to think carefully about this very important decision.

What is the Telescopic System?

2010年6月 4日

Maintaining your natural teeth as long as possible

Our clinic's telescope system partial dentures barely wiggle the teeth at all. Rather, they link the teeth into place, extending their lifespan.

Important points for maintaining your natural teeth as long as possible
+ Fix them in place, including the weak ones, as much as possible.
(Teeth are susceptible to side-to-side wiggling. It is important to fix them into place as to prevent movement)
+ Make sure that your bite alignment is correct.
+ Have partial dentures put in that do not move your teeth.

What should I watch out for when getting dentures for the first time?
We receive these kinds of questions a lot. It is normal to want to know what to look out for after treatment. As you would expect, periodic maintenance is very important. Go to the dentist to have stains that you cannot remove on your own no matter how much you brush removed professionally. It is also a good idea to have your bite alignment examined to make sure that you are exerting force throughout your whole bite and not putting extraneous force on your partial dentures. It is not very easy to discuss dentures with your friends. But please feel free to come into our clinic so we can discuss anything that you may be worrying about.


Aren't dentures always immediately noticeable? (woman in her early 30s)

Q. After I gave birth my cavities got a lot worse. Recently I felt that I had symptoms of gingivitis and went to the dental clinic for treatment. My cavities were so bad that I ended up having a lot of teeth removed. Many more of them are loose.

The roots of my teeth have always been shallow and so my teeth have always been frail. My front teeth are especially loose and I am afraid to bite and tear with them. The dentist told me that my teeth would not last long. I believe him.

But since I am only in my early 30s and resistant to the idea of dentures, I gave up treatment for a while. My teeth look worse than before and it has become cumbersome to talk. Every day I worry about what I should do.

Aren't dentures always immediately noticeable? Does treatment take a long time? Are there any other people who get dentures in their early 30s? Please give me some advice.

A. It seems that there are many people whose cavities get worse after giving birth. I think it is because people become busy with caring for their children and cannot make time to take care of themselves.

It sounds like you are quite worried about what to do. Worrying about our appearances is very natural. Conventional partial dentures invoke uneasy images of visible metal clasps (springs) and a device that could fall out at any moment. But these days there are many different kinds of dentures that will not draw notice.

The treatment method that we recommend at our clinic is the telescope system, developed in Germany. Their metal clasps are invisible, and of course, they will not fall out naturally. Even though they are called dentures, they are nothing like the ones covered by insurance. They fit so comfortably and naturally that you may even wonder why they are called 'dentures' in the first place. Not only are they esthetically beautiful but they also function securely and prevent further tooth loss. You will almost never take them off during the day (only for brushing) so you can think of them as just another part of you. And more than anything, they prevent the condition of your teeth from getting worse and they can be used for a very long time. Currently there are many homepages that feature dentures that do not stand out, but our dentures do not use one of these new untested treatment methods with no history. Instead we use a treatment method developed in Germany with over 100 years of history so you can be assured that it is effective. Don't be fooled by inferior treatment methods that only aim to provide esthetic beauty without protecting your teeth. Many people who use these inferior products will find themselves losing more teeth in just a few years.

The treatment period lasts about 3 months. (This is because the manufacturing process is very precise and takes time.)
Of course we provide false teeth during the treatment period so that you will not have to go around with missing teeth or experience difficulty eating. Many people require dentures in their early 30s. It is unfortunate when people lose their teeth. In your case I recommend that you get proper dentures in order to prevent further tooth loss.

Hear from Our Patients

Dentures in Your 30s


I am worried about facial distortion. (woman in her 30s)

Q. I feel like my face is distorted.
I tried doing facial stretches and exercises but even though it seems to get better initially, shortly after it feels like my face is distorted again. I heard that distortion is due to the way that I chew when I eat. My teeth have been weak since I was a child and now, at 38 years old, practically all of my teeth are false teeth. Could my teeth be causing my face to feel distorted?

A. It is plausible that your teeth are causing facial distortion.
As you would expect, if the position where you chew food on the right side is not aligned with the same position on the left side, you may suffer from facial distortion. If you prefer to chew in a particular area of your mouth, this may be a cause.

Your bite should be bilaterally symmetrical and should pass directly through the central axis of your body. It seems that most people who suffer from facial distortion have a poor bite alignment where the plane of the mouth is shifted to one side. The bite plane is usually hidden by the lips and the cheeks so it can be very difficult to determine bilateral symmetry. This requires an examination called face-bow transfer.
Face-bow transfer is when a mold of your upper jaw is taken and attached to a device called an actuator. This device allows us to determine whether or not your bite alignment passes vertically directly through the center of your body. Many fillings and crowns require the face-bow transfer examination technique.

You can think of the central axis of the body as being a straight vertical line extending from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet directly down the center of the body. There are a few planes on the body that are positioned symmetrically around the axis. The knees, the hips, the shoulders, and the eyes are just a few examples. It is also important for the plane of your mouth to pass symmetrically through this axis. At the same time, it is said that if your arms fall the same length on both sides, then you have good posture. With a face-bow transfer, first we take a mold of the upper jaw. After that we record the central point of the bite alignment plane and transfer the mold to a device called an actuator. Then we attach a mold of the lower jaw bite alignment to the actuator as well.

This is how we transfer recorded data to the actuator. The relationship between the center of the body (center of the actuator) and the teeth's bite alignment are reliably transferred through this process. It does not hurt at all and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

It is necessary to conduct a face-bow transfer when examining the bite alignment plane or making crowns or dentures. There are no treatment methods at our clinic that do not require this technique. Crowns and dentures made using an actuator and face-bow transfer to guarantee perfect bilateral symmetry of the bite alignment plane allow for a balanced bite that guarantees no facial distortion. These dentures will correct your chewing habits as well by making it so that you can chew evenly throughout your mouth. Muscle tenseness will not heal immediately. But gradually your muscles will begin to relax and your face will return to normal.

You mentioned that most of your teeth are false teeth. I recommend that you have your bite alignment plane examined to see if it is lined up correctly.

What are the merits of partial dentures? (woman in her 40s)

Q. My teeth have been weak since I was in my 30s, and I have bridges connecting the molars in my upper and lower jaws. My teeth are cracking and it has reached the point where I have no choice but to get them removed. The dentist told me, "We cannot make inlays because there are no roots, so you should consider dentures." I was so shocked to hear this.

I am still in my early 40s. Do I really need to get dentures already?

I always associate dentures with the elderly. My dentist told me that it is important to have dentures if I want to continue to enjoy eating so I mustered up my courage and have decided to get a set made. But I still feel uneasy about them.

What things do I need to watch out for when wearing dentures? And please let me know if there are any merits to dentures? I would like to have a more positive view of them. Thank you.

A. By getting a reliable set of partial dentures in your 30s or 40s, you can prevent future tooth loss. People who have many crowns and are using bridges in their 30s especially need to be careful about this. There are many cases like this where peoples' teeth begin to crack and can no longer be preserved in their 40s.
If you do not get the proper dental treatment during this period, it is possible that you may actually speed up tooth loss. You must do whatever you can to make sure that all of your weaker teeth are affixed as firmly as possible. (Teeth are vulnerable to the force exerted by lateral wiggling, so it is necessary to try and prevent movement.)
It is also important to adjust your bite alignment. Also, be sure to get partial dentures that do not cause your teeth to move. These are the most important key points. The dentures we make at our clinic using the telescope system will almost completely prevent wiggling of the teeth. They actually link the teeth together extending their lifespan.

What should you be careful about when putting in dentures?
As you would expect, periodic maintenance is extremely important.
Go to the dentist to have stains that you cannot remove on your own no matter how much you brush removed professionally. It is also a good idea to have your bite alignment examined to make sure that you are exerting force throughout your whole bite and not putting extraneous force on your partial dentures. As far as merits of dentures, with the telescope system, you will not require surgery like you would with implants thus making them easier on the body.
Also, the fact that with only minor adjustments to fit the changing shape of your mouth, telescope dentures can be used for 10, 20, or more years is also a merit.
Of course our dentures are not like those covered by insurance in that the wire springs cannot be seen. There is no worry that people around you will notice that you are wearing them.

In recent years, many more patients have been choosing the telescope system over implants. Even our younger patients have been very receptive to the telescope system.

In Japan, dental treatment information from America spreads quickly, but information from Europe, and especially Germany, doesn't spread so quickly. This is likely because these procedures are more difficult. The advisor of our clinic, Dr. Shigeru Inaba, spent time as a visiting professor in Germany, and he has used this experience to import German dental technology.
It has already been 30 years since then and the results have been amazing. Therefore we wish that this technology will be spread throughout Japan.



blah, blah


My mother has 3 teeth left in the upper right side of her mouth. What kind of dentures do you recommend?

Q. I have a mother who uses upper jaw dentures. She only has 3 front teeth left up there and one of them is loose.

She says she gets the feeling that the clasp gripping at this loose tooth is placing a great burden on it. Can she get implants? What do you recommend she does to get her dentures newly made?

A.So she has 3 teeth left and wears dentures with clasps. Clasps are metal pieces that provide the grip that keeps her dentures in place.
Normally we have 14 upper teeth. If she has dentures covered by insurance then that means that only 3 front teeth (which are the weakest ones) are supporting 11 others! This sounds like quite a lot of work for them.
It is only a matter of time before her front teeth fall out due to the burden placed upon them by the clasps. And if she goes with implants than she is talking about 11 prosthetic teeth. That is a huge financial burden for your mother to bear.

If she wants to protect those remaining 3 teeth and experience dentures that will function as if they are a part of her own body then I recommend Resilience telescope dentures developed in Germany. We have many patients who are very satisfied with this treatment.

Resilience telescope dentures are perfect for cases in which 3 or less teeth are remaining. They place no burden on the remaining 3 teeth and use membrane and muscle power to stay in place. They also will incorporate her 3 teeth into their design (they are made with an upper crown and lower crown structure where nooks and crannies are opened in consideration of membrane subduction). A special characteristic of Resilience telescope is that it will incorporate her loose tooth but should the tooth come out, her dentures can be easily adjusted.

These dentures can be used for a very long time as there is no longer a need to have her dentures remade from scratch every time she loses a tooth. By using the membrane and muscles of her mouth, her remaining teeth can relax a bit, her pronunciation remains unaffected, and there is no worry that her dentures may slip out leaving her to speak freely without anxiety.

Our prosthetic teeth are not made with soft plastic. We use esthetically and functionally superior prosthetic teeth made by Liechtenstein Ivoclar. They are long lasting beautiful dentures that will protect your mother's remaining 3 teeth. I highly recommend that she tries this method.


Do you recommend implants or full dentures for people in their 30s?

Q.I am in my late 30s but I have severe gingivitis. I only have 4 teeth in the upper left and only my front teeth on the bottom.

implants or full denturesMy remaining teeth are loose and being held together by something like an adhesive. I currently use partial dentures with metal clasps. I have been to a few dental clinics hoping that they could do something for me.
At the first clinic they told me that my remaining lower teeth will all fall out so I have no option but to get dental implants.
The second clinic told me they could use my remaining 4 teeth to secure the upper denture, and they could put in a bridge after giving me 6 implants. They said it would cost quite a lot of money. It is so difficult for me to talk and to eat.
It has even begun to affect my job (I work in sales). I always carry a mask and I cannot laugh or smile in front of other people. Every day is tough. I am not sure if implants or full dentures would be a better for me. Which do you recommend?

A.It is possible that in the future you will need full dentures for the top and bottom.
The question is whether you should choose dentures or dentures that rely on implants. In your case it would be meaningless to use full dentures that rely on implants. Your implants are only as strong as your remaining teeth at the time you have them put it so you may have to go through the same ordeal again after a short while.

Also, considering the large number of implants that you would require and the fact that your bone is likely to thin out due to severe gingivitis, the burden on your bone would be too great.

By using a manufacturing method that utilizes the muscles around your mouth desirable results can be achieved without getting implants. This method is called the "maxillomandibular simultaneous impression method" and originates from Strack dentures developed in Germany.

Type upWith this method we can take a molding of the upper and lower bite at the same time and gather all the necessary information about the inside of your mouth. You will have to swallow some saliva while the mold is being taken but dentures made using this method will allow you to enjoy eating the same way that you used to before losing your teeth. The adhesion of dentures supported by muscles in your mouth is very strong. We make sure that they will not come out by using the water film phenomenon (this is when water is placed between 2 layers of glass making them difficult to separate).

Strack dentures are superior both functionally and esthetically.
implants or full denturesIt is unfortunately true that people who have lost all of their teeth and have suffered from thinning bone often have an emaciated and elderly look to the area around their mouths.
Strack dentures can add volume from inside of the mouth that can be adjusted to give you the look that you want by using the maxillomandibular simultaneous impression method. You can regain your vibrant youthful smile.

Since implants are implanted into the thick inner part of our bone, it is very difficult to reproduce the exact positioning of your teeth and it is impossible to add volume to your smile.

People who get dentures tend to get shy and lose their ability to enjoy every day. Needless to say, the mouth is not just for eating but it is also important for communication. But our dentures are so natural feeling that you will forget that you are even wearing them.

Moreover, there is another technique, also developed in Germany, known as 'Resilience telescope' that can be used in case you still have a few teeth remaining.

Hear from Our Patients

My jaw has gotten worse since having dentures made.

Q. I spent 2 years having my teeth treated. I had partial dentures with metal parts made for my remaining upper teeth and I have silver fillings in my lower teeth that have received nerve treatment. After treatment the condition of my jaw has only gotten worse.
I feel pain in the joints around my jaw every time I eat. I have noticed a crumbling sound when I open my jaw wide. Every morning the area around my neck is stiff and it has become difficult to raise my arms. I also get headaches frequently. My family always tells me that I look tired. I wonder if the cause of my problems is that my dentures don't fit. It worries me and I would like to come in for consultation. (woman in her 50s)

A. "I cannot open my jaw widely", "The joints in my jaw hurt", and upon follow up questioning many say, "My neck hurts", "I have stiff shoulders", "My back hurts", "My hands and legs go numb", "My ears are ringing", "I get bad migraines". These symptoms are common in patients in their 50s, 60s and 70s.

TMJ arthrosis is a condition in which the area around the jaw hurts, and opening the mouth becomes difficult. Conventionally it is considered an ailment common in people in their 20s and 30s but in recent years the number of patients in their 50s and 60s suffering from TMJ arthrosis has been increasing quickly.

It is believed that the main cause of TMJ arthrosis in people in their 50s and 60s is unbalanced bite alignment caused by dentures.
In order to adjust the balance of one's bite alignment, the upper and lower dental mold must be centered symmetrical down the center of the body. This mold is then placed into a bite alignment device and examined. It is extremely important to create dentures that match perfectly to the data retrieved through this method.

However, conventional dentures covered by health insurance are often unable to meet these acute specifications and it has often been observed that continuing to eat with such dentures only serves to worsen the problem.
Here at Inaba Dental Office we are able to accurately create a bilateral symmetrical plane with 'Riegel telescope', dentures first developed in Germany, the leading country in dental technology. With this technology we can provide the most effective treatment available for patients suffering from TMJ arthrosis.
After treatment, patients experience the same plane symmetry from when they still had all of their teeth, even though they are wearing dentures. Pain in the jaw joints is relieved and accompanying symptoms such as stiff shoulders and ringing in the ears improve over time.
First it is necessary to have the balance of your bite alignment examined.


What can I do to avoid ever having to get dentures?

Q. I have been prone to cavities since I was a child. Now I am in my mid-30s and all of my upper teeth are false teeth. I always thought that I brushed my teeth more than the average person. I have bridges on both sides of my lower teeth. I can't believe that I am actually going to need dentures in 5 or 10 years in my 40s. That is too young! Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to prevent this. (N.J.)

A. In the condition that you are in now, the deciding factor to whether or not you will need dentures is proper treatment.
When you say false teeth, I assume that you are talking about metallic or ceramic crowns. Normally crowns are a suitable treatment when teeth are weak due to missing nerves. (In the same way that a tree will not easily fall over when it is alive but it will fall over easily if it is withered, teeth without nerves are brittle and fragile).

It seems that your teeth are most likely missing nerves. If this is the case, then too much force will cause them to become loose and they may crack. The best thing that you can do to prevent your teeth from falling out is to link the crowns together. When you link crowns they become stronger and force is distributed more evenly. This prevents weak nerveless teeth from taking the full brunt of a force.

It is possible to have all of your upper teeth linked together. A linking device called the key-and-key way connects the front 6 teeth, and the four molars on either side one by one. This effectively links all of the teeth together. There is slight movement because the joints of the jaw are also connected, but this movement is absorbed by the key-and-key way.

If you, Mr. N.J., leave your condition the way it is, you may eventually need to get full dentures. Through properly treating your nerves and having your foundation linked securely, you will be able to protect his teeth.

Of course it is still necessary to brush your teeth and receive maintenance from a dental hygienist. You must act now if you want to avoid having to get dentures in the future.

Can I use false teeth while waiting for my dentures? (person in their 40s)

Q. Can I use false teeth while waiting for my dentures?

Even though I am only in my 40s, most of my teeth are false teeth or a bridge. Recently the bridge on my upper front teeth fell out and my molars feel as though they could fall out at any moment. Currently I am planning to have a front tooth taken out because the root is cracked. The molar next to that one is loose and I was told I will need to get it taken out.
I have come to peace with the fact that I will need dentures, but will I really have to continue my daily activities with no teeth in my mouth while my dentures are being made? My work conditions will not allow me to walk around toothless so I am not really sure what to do.
Is there any way that I can have false teeth put in while I wait for my dentures? Thank you.

A. There are dentures available where you can have prosthetic teeth put in as soon as you have your problem teeth extracted. I get a lot of questions from patients who are worrying about having to spend time toothless while their dentures are being made.

We have come up with a few solutions to make sure that no one notices your oral condition while undergoing treatment.

If you have to live without teeth during treatment, eating and communication becomes nearly impossible. This can be a big worry for your family.

At our clinic, we absolutely provide false teeth for our patients while they wait for dentures.

Before having your teeth removed, we make a set of false teeth based on an assumption of the condition of your mouth post-extraction. It is very important to us to consider the esthetic and functional recovery of our patients' oral condition after extraction.


Concerning Dentures for Young People in their 30s and 40s

Q. Do young people also get dentures?
I was diagnosed with gingivitis in my late 30s. I have suffered from cavities, inflammation, and pain for many years, but every time I went for my periodic checkup, my dentist just cleaned the plaque from my teeth without mentioning anything about gingivitis. When I finally mustered up enough courage to change dentists, I was shocked to find out that the bone of my three upper molars on either side had rotted and would no longer last. I was told that more bone had begun to rot. The bone has become too thin to support implants making the procedure too difficult. Do young people also get dentures?

A. We receive many questions about young people and dentures.about young people and dentures.
"I'm too young for dentures. It's embarrassing."
"I can't talk to my friends or family about this."
"I'm nervous about seeking consultation"

We hear from many people who share the same apprehensions. A lot of people know that their teeth are getting worse but avoid consultation due to anxiety.

In recent years consultations with young people concerning whether they should choose dentures or implants have increased drastically.
Our clinic has adopted the telescope system, a technique developed in Germany, the world leading country in denture technology. This technique completely changes the conventional image of dentures. Clasps are completely invisible and no shifting occurs while eating.
They are esthetically superior just like implants. And there is no need to remove them before going to bed at night. They feel like a part of you.

If you have only lost 1 or 2 teeth, then it may be better to choose implants. But if you have already lost more than a few teeth, then it would be rather risky to treat all of them with implants.

Implant treatment lasts for 40 years at best. If you have numerous implants put in in your late 30s, then it is hard telling the difficulties you may encounter 40 years later in your 70s.
This is where our telescope system comes in. With the telescope system, dentures can be adjusted and used continuously for a very long time. Also, no one will be able to tell that you are wearing dentures.

There are many patients who have undergone telescope system treatment at our clinic I their late 20s.
One patient who underwent our Riegel telescope treatment 7 years ago in his late 20s has been coming in for monthly maintenance and has not required adjustment or repair to his dentures at all. He also put on a few pounds since he is able to enjoy meals unhindered by dental equipment but that is another story. He is not the least bit embarrassed about getting dentures at his young age.

We also conduct consultations through mail. Please feel free to contact us.

Dentures in Your 30s
Hear from Our Patients
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I was told that may facial expression would change when I get my teeth fixed...

This is a question answered by Dr. Inaba, representing dentists, in a feature article from a home magazine titled, Famous Doctors Answer Questions from Concerned 40-Somethings,

Q. The other day I took my mother to the dental clinic. She is going to be 66 years old this year but her face looks older. Many people think she is in her mid-70s. Not only does she seem older than her peers, but there is something about her expression that makes her look somewhat impoverished. She has always had all of her needs met and she is now living with me, her daughter. I don't think she should look so worn...

My mother doesn't like to visit the dentist, even if it is only to receive treatment on a single cavity like it was the other day. She really never goes to the dentist on her own. I was finally able to get her there the other day and the dentist suggested that she have 3 false teeth put in where she had already lost her teeth. She got right up and headed straight home upon hearing that. The dentist told me that since she had left those 3 spaces toothless for such a long time, her chewing functions have deteriorated and it has even had an effect on her bone. He said that this is one of the reasons for her emaciated look.

I don't quite understand a lot of the more difficult things that he said, but I do recall him saying "If she just gets those 3 teeth fixed, she will look 5 years younger at least". After he told me this, I couldn't help but think to myself that she certainly would look younger with her upper teeth numbers 3, 4, and 5 intact. Is it really possible to regain a youthful look by having your teeth fixed? I want to convince my mother to go in for treatment and I was wondering if you could help me find the right words. I would love her to get treatment as soon as possible so her grandchildren can play with her and look upon her beautiful face the way it used to be.

Also, I am sorry to bother you with more questions, but I was told I should replace the metallic fillings in my lower teeth with white-colored false teeth. You can see them when I laugh and it can be quite embarrassing. I heard that this could give me a brighter look so I was thinking about getting that taken care of as well. But if it won't help, I might regret getting treatment. Do you know how much this procedure could help my smile? Also I am willing and able to pay for treatment even if it comes out to be a little pricey.

A. Leaving the mouth with 3 missing teeth can have a negative effect on mastication functions (chewing functions). Just as your dentist has said, when you lose teeth the bilateral balance of the mouth is lost and the muscles on the side of the jaw where teeth are missing will deteriorate. As a result, facial features will most certainly lose their balance. Therefore, I absolutely recommend putting in false teeth.

You can see from the profile of someone who has lost teeth that their upper and lower lips sink inwards (left), but when the same person uses dentures, you can see that their natural features are restored (right).

Our appearance is also related to our personality

Just as people are told to take responsibility for their appearance after turning a certain age, it is said that people are responsible for creating their own countenances. In our society, the countenances of people who run companies, are in positions of responsibility, or have a business, are shaped by their various lifestyles. People who have healthy teeth give a nice impression to people around them and it is even said that our teeth say something about our level of education. Long ago people did not worry so much about poor tooth alignment or missing teeth. But in recent years, the state of our teeth has become an indicator of our status. For that reason, it seems that our appearance is beginning to tell a lot more about our personality.

It is true that fixing your teeth can make you look younger. But it is not just the teeth that effect the countenance. If someone stays at home all day with a negative attitude, that will add to their dreary demeanor. Nothing is more important than getting out of the house and interacting with people positively. The condition of your teeth is just one part of that equation. It is possible that if your mother has her teeth fixed, she may become more optimistic. This is why I recommend that you help her get dentures.

It is ideal to have your teeth fixed to look more natural

You also brought up the issue of your metallic teeth. We dentists always wish that our patients can have a natural smile of nice pearly whites just like the ones their parents gave them. It is important to have your teeth fixed so that no one can tell that you have had treatment done at all.

In recent years, most tooth disease has become preventable. With the correct oral care, you can protect against cavities and pyorrhea. But in the unlikely case that you do suffer from tooth disease, it is best if you can repair your teeth to their natural state. So for that reason, I think that you should aim for white teeth.

Nowadays, natural looking ceramic teeth are mainstream, but since Japanese healthcare does not yet cover ceramic teeth, people who are limited to health insurance must settle for metal crowns. With that said, we must remember that in some countries, health insurance only covers preventative medicine. That is, from the perspective of, "Since we know the cause of a disease and it is preventable, then if you suffer from the disease, it must be your own fault" and the idea that "Prevention can be paid for from a public source (medical insurance), but treatment must be covered by the individual, out-of-pocket", many countries require that citizens pay for their own treatment expenses. Please see your doctor and have your teeth restored to a better feeling, more natural state.

Changes of the face overtime

I do not know the detailed condition of your mother's face and the inside of your mouth, I can only give you a general answer. Please forgive me for this. You say that your mother looks older than her peers. Many factors affect how peoples' faces look.

When we are children, we inherit our facial features from our parents through genetics. Our parents' features present themselves in our face and there is nothing anyone can do to change this. In Japanese this is called umaretsuki, or 'the face we are born with'. Our faces tend to be rounder when we are young and our skin more supple. We have tight beautiful faces when we are young and at this age we have baby teeth. But they are replaced by adult teeth, our jaws take shape and the area under our noses develops giving us adults a longer face. Our faces are finished growing when we become adults and they begin to change in a different way as we age.

Faces change shape as people gain and lose weight. There are also changes associated with the environment. People who work outside all of the time will certainly have a peculiar look, and people who struggle with illness may lose weight and experience further changes in their face.

Changes to the eyes and mouth stand out the most

Changes that human beings cannot avoid are changes that accompany aging. Especially in your 66 year old mother's case. She has entered a time in her life when the changes are most apparent. Her hair is turning white and the muscles in her face are becoming thin. Changes to the eyes and mouth stand out the most. Some people have large bright eyes, others have small friendly eyes and some have beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The eyes have the largest effect on our expressions. When we are joyful our eyes open wide, when angry they close to a point, and when we age, they begin to gather wrinkles and the pockets of fat under them begin to stand out.

The mouth, just like the eyes, also has a large influence on our expressions. You can usually tell the extent of the expression in our eyes, how happy or how sad we are, by the shape of our mouths. For example, a joyful expression is characterized by glinting our eyes and loosening the tension in our lips. The happier we are, the wider our smiles open up. That is to say, we show how happy we are or how fun something is by how we open our mouths. Following this line of thought, we can say that the eyes and the mouth work together as a pair and that expressions are none other than composites of the various parts of our faces.

The characteristics that are visible around the mouth of an aging person are thin muscles and wrinkles under the nose. People with healthy teeth usually have less wrinkles, but when people lose their teeth the lips, which have lost their support, are pushed inwards by a group of muscles called the orbicularis oris muscles, creating may wrinkles.

You have said that your mother is missing her numbers 3 through 5 teeth in the upper right. Either side of her lips must be sinking inwards. I imagine that she must look thin with no teeth there.

I recommend that she gets treatment soon so that she can lead a happy life.

Patients who use Dr. Inaba's dentures truly have beautiful smiles, don't they!

I am having a difficult time because my partial dentures don't fit

Q. The other day I had partial dentures made through health insurance. I am having a hard time because they do not fit.

This problem concerns dentures for my left and right molars on the lower jaw (4 of my left molars and 3 of my right molars are tied together with wire and are holding my dentures in place with spring metal parts). It is so severe that I have not yet been able to keep my dentures in for a whole day. Yesterday I went to the hospital for the first time in a while to fix the parts that were hitting against my teeth. Even though they fixed the parts for me, I still feel like my bite is weak. In fact it is so weak that it is still easier for me to take out my dentures completely when I eat. (Maybe I shouldn't force myself to use dentures at all?) I have had the nerves in my remaining teeth treated and the dentist told me that they are weak.

They kind of float up when I am chewing and they were pretty cheap (about 7000 yen). I suppose for that price I shouldn't expect anything more precise.

A. There are usually 14 bottom teeth, not including the wisdom teeth. So you seem to have lost 7 of those, or half of them, right?

Currently, Japan's health insurance-covered treatment method is to provide dentures that use metallic springs called clasps that hold dentures in by hooking them to remaining teeth. Since these springs are simple devices, it is common to experience an awkward feeling due to the dentures moving as they react to the force of your molars grinding food. Also, since artificial plastic teeth and natural teeth are completely different in hardness and shape, it is thought that these dentures cannot function very well. The grooves of your teeth are not random. They are in fact made according to rules that govern the back and forth and side to side movements of grinding. However, dentures covered by health insurance are made to have flat shapes that make it nearly impossible to grind food.

Everyone has a relaxed position unique to their own mouths (the central position), and if the dentures don't match up to that position when chewing, it can feel awfully awkward. The bite alignment plane is very important and basically should be bilaterally symmetrical. Sometimes when examining a patient whose dentures don't fit, we find that this standard is not met. I think that all of these factors lumped together can cause patients to feel that their dentures just don't fit nicely.

The good thing about the dentures that use clasps is that they are covered by insurance and can be used as false teeth after having teeth extracted. There are a few negative aspects about them though. First, if you use them for too long, the teeth supporting the springs can come loose. This is because every time you attach or detach them, they are placing a burden on your teeth, and whenever you chew food, your dentures wiggle around and in turn the teeth supporting them wiggle as well.
The positioning of the clasps is the same positioning that we dentists place our tools in when extracting teeth. Since the clasps are mimicking these actions slowly and over an extended period of time, before you know it, you could be suffering from loose teeth and symptoms similar to pyorrhea. The result is that you may lose these teeth. Also, these dentures are not so esthetically pleasing since they are riddled with metallic clasps. In Germany, a highly developed nation in denture technology, dentures that use clasps are so outdated that they are no longer even covered in textbooks in dental universities.

+ The bite is so weak that it is easier for me to take out my dentures completely when I eat. (Maybe I shouldn't force myself to use dentures at all?)

In response to this, I would have to say that of course it is better to eat with your dentures in. The reason for this is that the upper teeth and lower teeth maintain a balance when they come together biting. If you remove either top or bottom, your teeth can become weaker or start to extend out due to lost function. It is very difficult to adjust the bite alignment plane of a mouth with teeth that have begun to extend out.

One more thing is that without molars, the jaw joints will deteriorate. Bite alignment and joint movement work as a pair, so without molars there is an incredible extra burden on the joints. Muscle movements that pull on the joints are connected to joints in the neck that support the head. This is why these problems can cause other symptoms such as stiff shoulders, back pain, and headaches.

So is there one treatment method that can solve your problems?
One treatment option relies on implants.
This method calls for inserting a titanium plate into the bone of the jaw to create a foundation. In this patient's case, 7 implants would be placed into this foundation.

But in this case,

+ He has had nerve treatment and the dentist has informed him that his teeth are weak. So in this patient's case, instead of implants, I would recommend dentures made using the Riegel telescope method developed in Germany.

'Riegel telescope' is a type of denture technology from Germany first introduced to Japan by Shigeru Inaba (our clinic's advisor). Advisor Inaba spent a year and a half learning the authentic 'Riegel telescope' method directly from Professor Koerber at Tubingen University in 1978.
Since it requires a high understanding of oral theory and skill, this technology is not yet widely practiced in Japan. So we are working hard to spread knowledge of Riegel telescope.

It would cost 400,000 to 500,000 yen per tooth to replace your lost teeth with implants. It is no wonder that a set of dentures that cost 7000 yen, or 1000 yen per tooth, are causing you discomfort.

Konus Krone

Q. I have a question concerning my 65 year old mother who has dentures. 5 years have passed and she is still not used to the dentures that she got through health insurance. I am looking into Konus Krone dentures for her. Her lower bridge has come out and she only wears her upper full dentures when she leaves the house. She says that she feels pain and that it is difficult to bite. I searched for a dentist specializing in dentures and asked his advice. He said that they could leave 4 teeth in her lower jaw and she could have Konus Krone dentures made.

1. Are Konus Krone dentures more comfortable to wear than dentures covered by insurance? What is the difference? (Are there many people who cannot get used to health insurance dentures who choose Konus Krone instead?)
2. Do they last? How do they compare to health insurance dentures in lifespan?
3. Her current dentist suggests that if we decide to spend the money, we could have upper dentures made through insurance and make use of her bottom teeth to have Konus Krone dentures made. Is it really OK to spend so much money on the bottom teeth and so little on the top ones?

A. First, it is actually quite common for people to have never heard of Konus Krone dentures, so let me explain about them a little bit. Konus Krone are dentures developed in Germany. This is one of the many types of the telescope system, which has a longer than 100 year history in Germany. Konus, of course, refers to the conical shape, and 'Krone' refers to the internal and external crowns used to hold the dentures in place (it is a double crown method).

The angle of the inner crown is 6 degrees (the Konus angle), and retentive force is produced by the wedging force of the inner and outer crowns. If you can imagine stacking paper cups, these dentures work very much in the same way. After putting these dentures on, the internal and external crowns fit into place and will not come apart. This angle can be adjusted to match the condition of the patient's teeth. As for removing them, there is an indentation in the dentures where you can slide your finger to lift and remove them.

These dentures do not fall off on their own during daily activities.
Fundamentally, Konus telescope cannot be used on teeth that lack nerves. This is because the retentive force is transferred directly to the supporting teeth, and if those teeth are nerveless and weak, there exists the danger of uprooting them completely. Also, there is the possibility of contraindication from left over teeth in the jaw. Therefore it is important to have a proper examination, diagnosis, and treatment method. If done correctly under the right circumstances, these are superior dentures that can last for many tens of years.

With that said, I'll answer your questions one by one.

1. Are Konus Krone dentures more comfortable to wear than dentures covered by insurance? What is the difference? (Are there many people who cannot get used to health insurance dentures who choose Konus Krone instead?)

The feel of Konus Krone dentures as compared to that of health insurance ones is completely different. Usually, when a patient only has 4 teeth remaining, Japanese health insurance only covers dentures with wire springs called clasps. The clasps stick to the teeth, but the dentures are not technically attached. This means that there is a lot of movement.
When dentures move around, it creates the awkward sensation of having a foreign object in the mouth. As opposed to this, Konus Krone dentures are attached firmly by the wedging force of the internal and external crowns and this means that there is no extra movement in the mouth. For this reason, many patients who cannot get used to health insurance dentures find relief with Konus Krone ones.

2. Do they last? How do they compare to health insurance dentures in lifespan?

When the teeth that support the clasps of insurance covered dentures fall out, it is necessary to have the dentures remade from scratch. In Japan, you are allowed to have these kinds of dentures remade over and over again if they do not fit or if they break, but with these German dentures there is no need to have them remade at all. They can be adjusted to fit the changing shape of the mouth. So it can be said that they are made for long-term use.

3. Her current dentist suggests that even were we to spend money, we could have upper dentures made through insurance and make use of her bottom teeth to have Konus Krone dentures made. Is it really OK to spend so much money on the bottom teeth and so little on the top ones?

It would be meaningless to go through all of the trouble to treat the bottom teeth but leave the top teeth with an implement that is not matched. The bottom and top teeth work as a pair. No matter how well the bottom teeth work, if the top teeth are not in synch, it will be impossible to eat and speak correctly.
They are also made out of completely different materials. The prosthetic teeth in Konus Krone dentures are made by Dr. Strack design. They are superior in function and beauty. Prosthetic teeth in dentures covered by insurance are made from a very soft plastic. If your mother gets insurance-covered dentures for her top teeth and Konus Krone dentures for her bottom teeth, it will be very difficult to get them to match since they will be made at different labs by different technicians.
I recommend that if you do choose to go that route, you should at least have the top dentures made with the same materials that the Konus Krone dentures are made with, and make sure that the dentist uses an articulator (a bite alignment device) to match the bite as accurately as possible.

I am self-conscious about wire hooks in partial dentures.

About partial dentures with invisible wires

Q. I have had the second to last molar on my lower jaw removed and now there is a bridge connecting my deepest molar to the third molar. I recently went to the dentist and learned that these two molars had gingivitis so I got them removed. Now I am missing all three of those teeth.

The dentist recommended that I get partial dentures covered by health insurance, but he also told me that my good teeth that the wires clasp onto are susceptible to gingivitis. When I mentioned that I am worried about the wires being visible, he suggested implants. But, I am afraid of surgery. Are there partial dentures that are better than those covered by insurance and have invisible wires?

A. Currently dentures made using Japanese health insurance use metal springs called clasps. The clasps are attached to the teeth, but there is no adhesion.
Because of this, when the dentures move the teeth also move. These movements exert a force that can lead to the tooth gradually becoming loose and falling out.
These dentures are constantly moving inside of the mouth because they are attached to the teeth using springs. When we dentists extract teeth, we do so by exerting a side to side force. It is the same exact movement caused by insurance-covered dentures.
Germany, which is a leading country in denture technology, doesn't even teach about partial dentures that use clasps anymore at national dental universities. This is because these kinds of dentures cause tooth loss.
There are a few types of dentures that do not move around in the mouth and that are nearly undetectable as dentures. Some of these include Konus Krone, Riegel telescope, CSP, and Milling dentures.
None of these options are covered by insurance, but they have invisible wires and are so comfortable to use that they become a part of your own body.

Let me tell you how we would treat 3 missing teeth with partial dentures made using Riegel telescope.

Subduction (movement) of the dentures can be great when biting with insurance-covered clasp dentures because they use simple metal springs that grab onto the teeth. This force is transferred directly to the teeth and will eventually cause them to become loose due to wiggling.
In contrast with this, Riegel telescope dentures will link and secure the 2 teeth used as a foundation, and those teeth will be double crowned. Retention force is provided by a small locking mechanism and the dentures are held firmly in place by closing this lock.

The subduction (movement) of dentures made using Riegel telescope is limited to 300 microns when biting.
Of course this provides a firm bite and the dentures feel like your own teeth. It can be said that Riegel telescope dentures feel as much a part of your own body as implants would.


Should I take out my dentures before going to bed?

Q. Should I take out my dentures before going to bed? Or should I leave them in?

A. We receive this type of question often.
It is said that since dentures covered by insurance use a soft resin, the inner part of this resin absorbs dirt and foul smells easily. Because of this, it is suggested that you take out your dentures and sterilize them overnight. It is also said that this is good for the membrane of your mouth.
Dentures from our clinic can be worn throughout the night. The resin used in telescope system full dentures made using the maxillomandibular simultaneous impression method is strong against dirt and smells.

In a joint survey conducted by Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo and Berlin Free University, 55 patients who use dentures were asked about how they take care of their dentures, how long they spend taking care of their dentures, how they use their dentures, and how they take care of their gums. The results showed that there was only a large discrepancy in the way German patients and Japanese patients use their dentures. Many German patients leave their dentures in day and night. But in Japan, almost all patients took out their dentures before going to bed. It seems some respondents were self-conscious about being seen by their husbands or family without their dentures in.

It appears that German dentists recommend that people sleep with their dentures in. Patients at our clinic have even told us, "My dentures have become a part of me so I don't feel right about taking them out."

It is OK to wash your dentures at night, put them in and sleep with them in place if the dentures truly feel like a part of your body.
Also, every time you come in for maintenance, we will clean your dentures thoroughly.
We have heard stories that at the time of the Hanshin Earthquake, there were some people who left their dentures behind and could not eat properly. We recommend sleeping with your dentures in to everyone because no one can be sure what is going to happen overnight.


[Telescope system] Dentures you can sleep in

You want to refrain from taking your dentures out as much as possible in order to avoid being found out by your family, friends, or significant other.
This is entirely understandable. With our dentures you will only have to take out your dentures when brushing your teeth. And if you cannot make the time to take out your dentures while you are out of the house, a simple rinse will be just fine.

There is no need to take out telescope system dentures before going to bed
Nobody wants the unpleasant experience of being seen by family at night without their dentures in. They say that it is good to rest the membrane of your mouth at night, but since our dentures do not exert any pressure on the membrane, there is no need to take them out.

It is no fun worrying about your teeth while talking and not being able to enjoy conversations with friends and loved ones. Now is the chance, while you still have healthy teeth, to choose a reliable treatment method that will protect all of your teeth long into the future.

Our clinic's telescope systems
+ Riegel telescope
+ Konus telescope
+ Resilience telescope

There are many other versions available in Germany, but our clinic's Riegel telescope, Konus telescope, and Resilience telescope cover virtually all cases.

'What can I do with so few teeth left?' What is Resilience telescope?

2009年 « トップへ » 2011年
