トップへ » Do you recommend implants or full dentures for people in their 30s?

Do you recommend implants or full dentures for people in their 30s?

Q.I am in my late 30s but I have severe gingivitis. I only have 4 teeth in the upper left and only my front teeth on the bottom.

implants or full denturesMy remaining teeth are loose and being held together by something like an adhesive. I currently use partial dentures with metal clasps. I have been to a few dental clinics hoping that they could do something for me.
At the first clinic they told me that my remaining lower teeth will all fall out so I have no option but to get dental implants.
The second clinic told me they could use my remaining 4 teeth to secure the upper denture, and they could put in a bridge after giving me 6 implants. They said it would cost quite a lot of money. It is so difficult for me to talk and to eat.
It has even begun to affect my job (I work in sales). I always carry a mask and I cannot laugh or smile in front of other people. Every day is tough. I am not sure if implants or full dentures would be a better for me. Which do you recommend?

A.It is possible that in the future you will need full dentures for the top and bottom.
The question is whether you should choose dentures or dentures that rely on implants. In your case it would be meaningless to use full dentures that rely on implants. Your implants are only as strong as your remaining teeth at the time you have them put it so you may have to go through the same ordeal again after a short while.

Also, considering the large number of implants that you would require and the fact that your bone is likely to thin out due to severe gingivitis, the burden on your bone would be too great.

By using a manufacturing method that utilizes the muscles around your mouth desirable results can be achieved without getting implants. This method is called the "maxillomandibular simultaneous impression method" and originates from Strack dentures developed in Germany.

Type upWith this method we can take a molding of the upper and lower bite at the same time and gather all the necessary information about the inside of your mouth. You will have to swallow some saliva while the mold is being taken but dentures made using this method will allow you to enjoy eating the same way that you used to before losing your teeth. The adhesion of dentures supported by muscles in your mouth is very strong. We make sure that they will not come out by using the water film phenomenon (this is when water is placed between 2 layers of glass making them difficult to separate).

Strack dentures are superior both functionally and esthetically.
implants or full denturesIt is unfortunately true that people who have lost all of their teeth and have suffered from thinning bone often have an emaciated and elderly look to the area around their mouths.
Strack dentures can add volume from inside of the mouth that can be adjusted to give you the look that you want by using the maxillomandibular simultaneous impression method. You can regain your vibrant youthful smile.

Since implants are implanted into the thick inner part of our bone, it is very difficult to reproduce the exact positioning of your teeth and it is impossible to add volume to your smile.

People who get dentures tend to get shy and lose their ability to enjoy every day. Needless to say, the mouth is not just for eating but it is also important for communication. But our dentures are so natural feeling that you will forget that you are even wearing them.

Moreover, there is another technique, also developed in Germany, known as 'Resilience telescope' that can be used in case you still have a few teeth remaining.

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トップへ » Do you recommend implants or full dentures for people in their 30s?
