2010年4月17日 « トップへ » 2010年4月20日


My mother has 3 teeth left in the upper right side of her mouth. What kind of dentures do you recommend?

Q. I have a mother who uses upper jaw dentures. She only has 3 front teeth left up there and one of them is loose.

She says she gets the feeling that the clasp gripping at this loose tooth is placing a great burden on it. Can she get implants? What do you recommend she does to get her dentures newly made?

A.So she has 3 teeth left and wears dentures with clasps. Clasps are metal pieces that provide the grip that keeps her dentures in place.
Normally we have 14 upper teeth. If she has dentures covered by insurance then that means that only 3 front teeth (which are the weakest ones) are supporting 11 others! This sounds like quite a lot of work for them.
It is only a matter of time before her front teeth fall out due to the burden placed upon them by the clasps. And if she goes with implants than she is talking about 11 prosthetic teeth. That is a huge financial burden for your mother to bear.

If she wants to protect those remaining 3 teeth and experience dentures that will function as if they are a part of her own body then I recommend Resilience telescope dentures developed in Germany. We have many patients who are very satisfied with this treatment.

Resilience telescope dentures are perfect for cases in which 3 or less teeth are remaining. They place no burden on the remaining 3 teeth and use membrane and muscle power to stay in place. They also will incorporate her 3 teeth into their design (they are made with an upper crown and lower crown structure where nooks and crannies are opened in consideration of membrane subduction). A special characteristic of Resilience telescope is that it will incorporate her loose tooth but should the tooth come out, her dentures can be easily adjusted.

These dentures can be used for a very long time as there is no longer a need to have her dentures remade from scratch every time she loses a tooth. By using the membrane and muscles of her mouth, her remaining teeth can relax a bit, her pronunciation remains unaffected, and there is no worry that her dentures may slip out leaving her to speak freely without anxiety.

Our prosthetic teeth are not made with soft plastic. We use esthetically and functionally superior prosthetic teeth made by Liechtenstein Ivoclar. They are long lasting beautiful dentures that will protect your mother's remaining 3 teeth. I highly recommend that she tries this method.

2010年4月17日 « トップへ » 2010年4月20日
