2009年4月11日 « トップへ » 2009年4月13日


Might you have TMJ arthrosis?

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?
+ Do you clench or grind your teeth?
+ Do you feel pain or stiffness in your jaw?
+ Do you often get headaches or pain in the neck? And is it worse when clenching?
+ Does the pain when clenching get worse when you feel stressed?
+ Does your mouth pop or creak when you open it? Is it difficult to open your mouth?
+ Do you have any other types of arthrosis or problems in your joints?
+ Is it difficult to clench your teeth for a long time?
+ Does your bite alignment change from time to time?
+ Is it difficult to clench or tear food with your front teeth?
+ Are your teeth sensitive? Do they move, crack, or are they worn down?

TMJ arthrosisIf you are suffering from any number of the symptoms listed above, it is likely that you may have TMJ arthrosis. Since there are many causes of TMJ arthrosis, it is almost always very difficult to know whether or not the jaw is the source of the problem.

Symptoms of TMJ arthrosis

☑tooth wear
☑nerve pain from tooth wear (sting when touching hot or cold)
☑inflamed gums ☑root pain ☑grinding
☑pain in jaw joints ☑pressure pain in jaw joints ☑neck or head pain
☑ringing in the ears ☑difficulty hearing ☑loss of sensation in hands or feet
☑uneven posture (unable to keep balance)

TMJ arthrosis treatment varies according to the symptoms.
Treatment begins with a detailed search for the causes.

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TMJ arthrosis caused by dentures

Some patients complain saying, "I cannot open my mouth wide", or "There is pain in the joints around my jaw". Upon further examination the number of middle-aged patients who complain of the following symptoms is increasing:
+ "I have stiff shoulders."
+ "My back aches."
+ "I have lost sensation in my arms and legs."
+ "There is ringing in my ears."
+ "I get terrible migraines."

These are all symptoms of TMJ arthrosis.

TMJ arthrosis is a condition in which the area around the jaw hurts, opening the mouth becomes difficult, and a clicking or scraping noise can be heard coming from the jawline area. TMJ arthrosis is considered an ailment common in people in their 20s and 30s due to bad tooth alignment, or an unbalanced bite caused by wisdom teeth.

However, cases of TMJ arthrosis in middle-aged patients are mostly attributed to poor bite alignment due to silver crowns and especially dentures.

If you wear dentures and suffer from any of the symptoms listed above, please contact us for consultation. We can fix your bite alignment and help alleviate your discomfort.

2009年4月11日 « トップへ » 2009年4月13日
