トップへ » Considering Dentures? » Worrying about Implants » Should I get dentures or implants?

Should I get dentures or implants?

Should I get dentures or implants?Implants and dentures are both effective treatment methods for tooth loss. The differences between these two methods can be characterized in the following way.

+ Dentures : Dentures supplement missing teeth on the surface. They do not supplement the root of the tooth.
+ Implants : A metallic foundation is implanted into the jaw bone. Crowns are inserted to supplement teeth.

An overwhelming number of our patients choose dentures over implants as a treatment method. This is because we use the telescope system, German dentures that are more reliable than implants. Telescope system dentures are easy on the body and safe. Patients are often very pleased with them because of their esthetic and functional superiority.

Cases in which implants prove difficult
+ When the jaw bone is too thin
+ When remaining teeth are loose
+ When there are a large number of damaged or missing teeth

トップへ » Considering Dentures? » Worrying about Implants » Should I get dentures or implants?
