トップへ » Considering Dentures? » Dentures in Your 30s » Choose a treatment method that considers the long term, especially since you are young

Choose a treatment method that considers the long term, especially since you are young

If you are only missing 1 or 2 molars in the back, implants may be the best option. But if you are already missing a number of teeth, then you must consider the risks of getting them all treated with implants.
The oldest implant treatments in the world are 40 years old. If you get implants in your 30s, then you must consider 40 years into the future when you are in your 70s.
This is where telescope system dentures are preferable. These dentures can be used for a very long time with only minor adjustments. Moreover, no one will be able to notice that you are wearing dentures.

Features of the telescope system
+ Since there are no visible metal clasps, no one can tell you have dentures.
+ They will not come off while you eat.
+ Like implants, they are esthetically superior.
+ Since there is no need to remove them before going to bed, they become a part of you.
+ No one will be able to tell that you are wearing dentures.
+ They can be adjusted to fit the changing condition of your mouth so that you can use them for 10, 20 and even 30 years into the future.

It is important to have reliable partial dentures made in your 30s or 40s
There is nothing embarrassing about needing dentures from a young age. Having a pair of reliable partial dentures made in your 30s or 40s can be the deciding factor that determines if you protect your teeth from future tooth loss and are able to use your own teeth throughout your life.
People who have many crowns and are using bridges in their 30s especially need to be careful about this. There are many cases like this where peoples' teeth begin to crack and can no longer be preserved in their 40s.
There are many patients at our clinic ranging in age from their late 20s to old age who have chosen the telescope system as a treatment method. Seek proper dental treatment while you are still young to prevent future tooth loss.

One of our patients received Riegel telescope treatment in his late 20s. It has been 7 years since then and he has come in faithfully for maintenance ever since and has never needed any adjustments. He also has put on quite a bit of weight since he can now eat what he wants.

トップへ » Considering Dentures? » Dentures in Your 30s » Choose a treatment method that considers the long term, especially since you are young
