トップへ » Our Clinic » Media Coverage » Concerning Bad Breath (as printed in the Mainichi Shimbun)

Concerning Bad Breath (as printed in the Mainichi Shimbun)

Raising Awareness of Oral Hygiene

This is an article that was printed in the evening edition of the Mainichi Shimbun from when Dr. Shigeru Inaba was working as an assistant professor for the 2nd prosthetics lecture at Nippon Dental University. Here we introduce the article's content.


[It is Important to Brush and Rinse Every Day]

When you look up the word 'smell' in a Japanese dictionary, you may notice that there are 2 different Chinese characters listed, 匂い, and 臭い. Both of these words are pronounced in the same way, nioi (nee-oy), but the meanings for each entry are exact opposites. The first one has a positive connotation to it. It is a pleasant smell. The latter, however, may make you cringe. Of course bad breath is described by the latter entry. It is a matter of where the smell generates from. How can you get rid of an unpleasant 臭い 'smell' and replace it with refreshing breath that 匂う 'smells good'? Is it really possible to maintain healthy teeth and healthy gums?

What are smells made of?

'Smells cannot be seen, have no shape, and cannot be touched with your hands. They consist of very tiny particles called atoms. It is not that we don't know what they are, but in fact, these atoms can be chemically analyzed quite accurately. This means that when something smells, a cause for the smell can be found.

So what causes bad breath?

'In some situations bad breath may be caused by disease in internal organs or simply from consuming things such as garlic, onions, and alcohol. However, the most common cause of bad breath is a buildup of food and drink particles in the mouth due to insufficient oral cleaning.'

What is the situation?

'The insides of our mouths are warm and moist which makes them an ideal place for bacteria to grow. There is no need to mention the myriad nooks and crannies of the mouth that are perfectly suitable for bacteria to hide in. Add to these factors food particles building up in between teeth and you have perfect growth conditions. Under these conditions a volatile sulfur compound known as methyl mercaptan is produced. This is one of the major factors that causes bad breath.'

Oh, I see. By the way, is there any reason why morning breath is especially poignant?

'The main reason for this is that you produce less saliva while you are sleeping which effectively reduces your mouth's self-cleaning function. Therefore it is extremely important to brush and rinse before going to bed.'

Is it true that some people are prone to have bad breath?

'People with nearly perfect teeth are fortunate to have their teeth cleaned naturally and more effectively by the constant rubbing of their inner lips over a wider surface of their teeth. However it is estimated that only about 30% of the population enjoy such perfect conditions naturally.'

OK. So how can I prevent bad breath?

'Brushing and rinsing are a very important part of the equation. There are places that cannot be reached by brushing. This is why we need to rinse as well. It is even more effective to rinse with a liquid that contains components that prevent bacterial growth. Japanese people still have an indifferent attitude towards rinsing, but rinsing is an essential part of oral hygiene in the United States and Europe. There are some very effective mouthwashes. In Japan we are faced with an aging society and many elderly people find it difficult to brush their teeth. I would like everyone to have a deeper acceptance of rinsing as well.'

It seems that some people consider brushing their teeth to be too troublesome while rising is rather easy.

'As you would expect, brushing is extremely important. However, in an experiment where the subjects forewent brushing for one week, just using mouthwash proved to remove many impurities. This experiment showed us that rinsing can be very effective.'

Aren't there impurities that cannot be removed by brushing?

'It is necessary to undergo periodic checkups by a dental hygienist at a dental clinic. If it cannot be removed with brushing then it will be impossible to get rid of impurities or remove hardened plaque from your teeth by yourself. If you leave your teeth be, without undergoing professional cleaning, you may not only suffer from bad breath, but you may also suffer from worsening gingivitis.'

Well cared for teeth will make you and everyone around you happy. If you forego brushing and rinsing, your teeth will become nasty and you may eventually need dentures. Also, bad breath is the number one killer of fun dates and shopping with friends. Be sure to brush and rinse thoroughly every day.
Inaba Dental Clinic also provides advice for dealing with bad breath.
If you are worrying about bad breath, please see us for a consultation. Surely we have a solution for you.

トップへ » Our Clinic » Media Coverage » Concerning Bad Breath (as printed in the Mainichi Shimbun)
