2014年10月 2日 « トップへ » 2015年1月 5日


I feel worried about getting non-clasp type dentures.

Q. For the last year I have been using 4 partial dentures supported by my farthest back molar on the upper right and 2 of my front teeth on the right-hand side (miracle dentures). They felt firm when I first put them in, but lately I feel a wiggling sensation and so I would like to ask your advice.

I live in Fukuoka so I am curious about how many times I will need to visit your clinic and how often I will have to go in for maintenance. I am also wondering if it is frightening getting the abutment teeth filed and if taking out your dentures changes your facial expression. It seems like there are a few clinics offering Konus telescope, but the Riegel telescope method seems a little more reliable to me. Sorry to bother you with my questions, but can you offer some advice?

A. I think that the number of affordable and easy-to-make dentures are increasing these days. As you suspect, there is no way to avoid the extra burden on your abutment teeth, so it is feasible that you may lose more teeth in the future.
In recent years, cheap and easily made dentures such as non-clasp type ** dentures are increasing. However, these dentures have no established history and there are no long-term case studies supporting their efficacy.

Almost all non-clasp dentures lack a rest. A rest is a piece that transmits force. It transfers force to the tips of the teeth roots. Clasps are necessary to keep the false teeth in place, but you should really prioritize the rest piece. It is important to have your teeth examined using a 3-D method.
This way you can see what may happen to your teeth if your implement does not have a rest. Your teeth will wiggle and you may lose them in just a few years.
Even if dentures like these are esthetically pleasing, there is a good chance that patients will be very sorry to have used them and to lose their trusts in the future.

I truly feel that the telescope system, which is trusted throughout the world and has more than 120 years of history in Germany, is a technology that has grown in demand in Japan, a country that has already welcomed an aging society. Also, in order to provide this technology, we must maintain meaningful ties with dental technicians of the highest caliber. The telescope system is costly, but since it is conducted by the most skilled dental technicians in the field and uses the best materials available, you can feel at ease with your dentures.

Since we have many patients who come to us for treatment from very distant locations, we can certainly make sure that you visit us as seldom as possible. It is possible to reduce the number of your visits if we can schedule an extended period of time when you do come.
It can be a little nerve-racking to have your teeth filed, but since we use anesthetics you will not feel a thing.
There is little need to remove your false teeth so you can leave them in almost all the time. We understand the importance of facial expression and esthetics, so please don't feel ashamed to consult with us about it.

Also, we would like to establish long term relationships with our patients. So do not be afraid to consult with us about periodic maintenance. We also want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

2014年10月 2日 « トップへ » 2015年1月 5日
